The film “Golod ‘33” (The Famine of ‘33d) by Oles Yanchuk was awarded with The Henri-Langlois First Prize at the Vincennes Film Festival. This International film event took place in February 2, 2009. Its mission is showing old restored films and new films about topical problems of the human history. The previous winners of the Festival were Sofia Coppola, Clod Pinoto, Francesco Rossi and others.
“Golod 33” (The Famine of ‘33d) is the first film in Ukraine that touched the problem of Ukrainian genocide” – Oles Yanchuk said and reminded that this film is also included to the school programme.
This epic historical drama, based on the novel The Yellow Prince, seeks to convey both the scope of that disaster and its human dimension by following the fortunes of a family of five. In addition to famine caused by simple loss of crops, farmers were accused of hoarding grain which they owed to the government, and the few remaining foodstuffs they had on hand were forcibly taken away from them by bands of soldiers.
Authors of the film are going to translated it to some other languages, particularly to Russian. “This film was presented in Russia; it is also on a DVD but we decided to make its new edition». For today the film is only distributed with English captions.