The largest Ukrainian TV and film production companies have founded an initiative group #KinoKrayina (#КіноКраїна, translated as ‘Film Country’) in an effort to develop working, sustainable, competitive industry of mainstream cinema and TV series in Ukraine. On July, 9th the studio hosted the #KinoKrayina members as well as Ukrainian MPs, representatives of state authorities, […]
Disregarding all the political and military events Ukrainian cinema slowly approaches the point of breaking even. There were several releases in both 2014 and 2015 made with Ukrainian co-finance which paid off and generated some profit. In the last year that was Love in a big city 3 (Кохання у великому місті 3), co-produced with […]
Lviv is an informal capital of Western Ukraine, its biggest business and cultural hub. In year 2012, in the days of Euro Championship, it became a star of European tourist charts (see Reuters). And there are reasons for that. Exquisite architecture, well developed infrastructure, welcoming millieu, proximity to European capitals – all this makes Lviv […]
Directed by Maksym Ksyonda. Photography by Yaroslav Pilunsky. Khrystyna Soloviy is a participant of Ukraine’s talent show and now is being produced by famous Ukrainian songwriter and performer Svyatoslav Vakarchuk (‘Okean Elzy’).
Video produced by Oleg Stelmakh.
As the Russian TV series ban was signed by the President and goes into force on July, 7th, Ukrainian channels do actively search to diversify their content including measures to generate own products. 1+1 Media has 16 TV Series projects in development and is willing to cast the best idea at an open pitching contest […]
Kherson is one of the oblast centers at the South of Ukraine. Video by Andrii Matviienko. Music by Gorchitza.
The first official extended trailer of the movie based on bestseller by Maria Matios.
[youtube width=”600″ height=”340″][/youtube] Produced by Oleg Stelmakh.
Choreography & Direction by Anatoly Sachyvko. Camera by Mykyta Kuzmenko. Vocals by Jamala.