The 1st episode of a new TV Series has exploded Ukrainian media. The coming-of-age drama dealing with suicide, homosexuality and drugs in a modern Ukrainian school is close to a world class TV series as never before. Produced by Novy Channel. Showrunner of the series Yevhen Tunik.
A screen version of Sophia Andrukhovych’s novel ‘Felix Austria’ is scheduled for premiere on January 16th, 2020 under the title ‘Faithful’. Directed by Khrystyna Syvolap. Written by Alina Semeryakova & Sophia Andrukhovych. Cinematography by Oleksiy Lamakh. Starring Marianna Yanushevych, Alesia Romanova, Roman Lutskyi.
Pleiad is a TV Series concept developed with the support of UCF. It features an alternative history turn which shows prominent figures of Ukrainian culture as secret statemakers: Ivan Franko, Lesia Ukrainka, Olena Pchilka, Mykhailo Drahomanov & Co. Created and written by Nataliya Yakovleva. Directed by Taras Dron. Cinematography by Yuri Korol.