The feature drama ‘Cyborgs’ by Axtem Seitablaiev wins six nominations in Ukrainian Film Academy’s national competition ‘Zolota Dzyga’: Best Picture, Best Leading Actor, Best Screenwriter, Best Supporting Actor, Best Make-Up Artist, Best Art Director.
A Ukraine-Lithuania period drama ‘Traitor’ is dedicated to Ukrainian filmmakers of the Soviet times who took their chances to oppose the official state anti-Ukrainian propaganda: Dovzhenko, Parajanov, Illenko. The film is released into theaters these days. Directed by American and Moldovian directors Mark Hammond and Valeriu Jereghi. Cast: Oleh Melnychuk, Zoya Baranovska, Stanislav Shchokin.
The new feature drama scheduled for release in Ukraine for this fall tells the story of one of the leaders of Ukrainian People’s Republic of early 20th century. Directed by Oles Yanchuk known for his works ‘Famine-33’, ‘The Undefeated’ and others. Written by Mykhailo Shayevych. Cast: Serhiy Frolov, Irma Vitovska, Bohdan Benyuk.
The war drama ‘Cherkasy’ based on a real story of a Ukrainian battle ship trapped in Donuzlav lake and surrounded by the Russian troops is getting own movie. The trailer has been released and the premiere is expected later this year. Directed by Tymur Yashchenko. Cinematography by Yuri Dunay. Written by Tymur Yashchenko and Robert […]