‘Babay’ directed by Maryna Medvid. Produced by Edward Akramovych with the support of State Agency for Cinematography. The film starts today on 123 screens around Ukraine, as well as in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan.
‘Nezlamna’ (Unbreakable) Directed by Serhiy Mokrytsky. Official Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/nezlamna
The video is dedicated to one year commemoration of Ukraine’e revolutionary events of 2013-2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhKDfC_bibk
At the current moment many foreign TV News groups work covering the events in Ukraine. Ukraine Film Office provides assistance for the TV crews and companies coming to the country. We provide various services like following: – airport meetings and pick-ups – transportation logistics – housing logistics – information researching and aggregation – settling permits […]
As part of the ongoing Russian invasion into Ukrainian regions of Crimea & Donbas the ecomomic ties with Russia continue to fall apart.The fact is that Ukraine was a lucrative market massively dominated by Russian content-makers. Actualy that used to be a monopoly.
London: The results of the BFI’s Sight N Sound magazine’s first ever poll to decide the world’s greatest ever documentaries are now in. The winner of the title of Greatest Documentary goes to Dziga Vertov’s extraordinary silent film Man with a Movie Camera (1929), shot in the cities of Odessa, Kiev and Kharkiv.
The campaign to free Ukrainian film-maker Oleg Sentsov from detention in Russia has been taken to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).
“But then we watched unsubtitled Ukrainian sign-language drama “The Tribe” and were too busy gaping in astonishment to so much as crack a smile: this deeply compelling debut feature from director Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy utterly defies mockery with the seriousness of its subject matter and the intelligence of its execution. And it duly won awards, three […]