State Agency of Ukraine for Cinematography have closed submission of applications for the Fourth Competition of film projects looking for state financial support.
To generate the program of production and distribution of films for 2013-2014 years, the State Agency of Ukraine for Cinematography had open the submission of applicaions for the film projects competition starting from September, 28 to October 18, 2012
In the fourth competition the film projects will be considered in the sessions of national feature films, feature co-production films, films for children, debut, non-fiction and animated films as well as in two thematic sessions:
– Full-length feature films devoted to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko;
– Non-fiction film, devoted to the 70th anniversary of Koryukivka tragedy (March 1-2, 1943 when Hitler’s army burned out a Ukrainian village and killed over 7000 persons)