- fiction film – up to 520 thousand UAH,
- animation – up to 270 thousand UAH,
- non-fiction film – up to 190 thousand UAH.
In accordance with Decree of President of Ukraine dated February 6, 1999 № 127/99 State Agency of Ukraine for film announces the list of documents for participation in the competition for the grant of President of Ukraine in the field of filmmaking.
The goal of competition is granting public financial supports to young artists for the creation and implementation of socially significant creative film projects in fiction, animation, non-fiction cinema (duration up to 20 minutes). An Expert Committee will select one of the projects.
Grant can get a young film artist under the age of 35 years.
To participate in the contest for the grant of President of Ukraine in the field of filmmaking applicants must submit to the State Agency of Ukraine on film such documents before February 15, 2012:- Application for the participation in the competition;- Description of creative project indicating its purpose, method of implementation and expected impact;- Marketing strategy;- Background of the main executors of the project;- Cost estimates within: fiction film — up to 520 thousand UAH, animation – up to 270 thousand UAH, non-fiction film – up to 190 thousand UAH.- Letter of the company, which undertakes the realization of creative project;- Script (for feature film), or treatment (for documentary film);- Storybord (for animation film).