The movie titled ‘Embrace Me’ was commissioned by UNICEF and MTV Staying Alive foundation. This Anti-AIDS social movie is an initiative aimed at raising the public attention toward AIDS epidemic situation in Ukraine. The country is leading in Europe as for the speed of HIV/AIDS affected population growth. The film is produced by Oleksandr Shcherbyna at the Kiev-based company Svetofor Film. Lyubomyr Kobylchuk was invited to direct the show.
The shooting started on October, 30th and is scheduled for the first part of November. The complete movie should air on the MTV on December 1, 2009 – the World AIDS Day.
The parts in the movies were conferred to young and well-known actors. Among the celebrities of the project are: Kasha Salcova (‘Krykhitka’ Band), Yanina Sokolova, Olga Navrotska, Sergiy Romanyuk, Iris and Volodymyr Virchis.
Project’s Director of Photography is Ivan Tymchenko. Art Director – Vlad Ryzhykov. Principal cast: Illya Ivashchenko, Sofiya Dzhun, Valentyn Tomusyak, Yuriy Lebedevych.
MTV Networks Europe is a part of Viacom Networks Europe.