Volodymyr Klitschko had a chance to feel how to be married. The famous Ukrainian boxing world champion acted in the film “Keinohrhasen” by Til Schweiger (known by “Knokin’ on Haven’s Door”) where he played the role of… Volodymyr Klitschko. According to the script the eminent boxer is going to get married with well-known singer, television anchorwoman and actress Ivon Katterfield.
German actor and director proposed this role to Klitschko just after his fight against Ray Austin.“ I just got agree to act in the film with a great pleasure because I didn’t need to fabricate anything” Klitschko confessed.
When Volodymyr is asked if he want to continue his career in cinema he answers: “For a while I will live in a role just of myself – Volodymyr Klitschko who is going not only vindicate his champions titles but also aimed to get a fight for collecting the world champions’ belts in my hands. But if I receive a similar proposal and its don’t hinder my main business I would be happy to make a deal”.
The “Keinohrhasen” was awarded with Bambi as The Best German Film. This is the oldest (it was created in 1948) annual television and media prize awarded by the German media company Hubert Burda Media.